Dharma Talks

A Dharma talk is a public discourse on Buddhism by a teacher or practice leader. 

It is said that a Dharma talk can be “dark to the mind but luminous to the heart.” We suggest listening not just with your ears, but with your whole body.

A Dharma talk may also be referred to as a Teisho (提唱). A Teisho is non-dualistic, and therefore different than a lecture on a Buddhist topic. A Teisho is a Dharma talk that speaks directly to the heart.

Use the menu below to search for talks by category or speaker.

You may also search for topics by entering keywords in the search box. The search will open into a new page with a list.

  • How Do We See in the Bardo?

    How Do We See in the Bardo?

    Our Head Trainee for Fall 2023 Ango shares the Taoist story of the Farmer who goes through a series of events that might be judged as fortunate or unfortunate to explore the experience of the Bardo.