Dharma Talks

A Dharma talk is a public discourse on Buddhism by a teacher or practice leader. 

It is said that a Dharma talk can be “dark to the mind but luminous to the heart.” We suggest listening not just with your ears, but with your whole body.

A Dharma talk may also be referred to as a Teisho (提唱). A Teisho is non-dualistic, and therefore different than a lecture on a Buddhist topic. A Teisho is a Dharma talk that speaks directly to the heart.

Use the menu below to search for talks by category or speaker.

You may also search for topics by entering keywords in the search box. The search will open into a new page with a list.

  • Omnipresent Dharma Gates I Vow to Experience

    Omnipresent Dharma Gates I Vow to Experience

    The first collection of koans in our lineage is called the Mumonkan, or Gateless Gate. Mumon himself says “Zen has no gates”? And yet we chant “Omnipresent Dharma Gates I Vow to Experience.” How can something be both a gate and no gate at all? How do we experience a gateless gate?

  • Be Fully Alive

    Be Fully Alive

    Our Zen practice is actually quite simple: be fully alive. When we experience our life fully with -- as Shishin Roshi encourages -- awareness, courage, and tenderness, we wake up to our true nature and find liberation. This is the essence of the Bardo teachings.

  • Enter the Silence

    Enter the Silence

    Zen is the practice of living in reality, being present in your life as it is, not as we wish it to be, or in denial or resistance to what is. What is happening right now? When we enter the silence, the silence becomes you, and you become it. Return to your being. Enter the flow. Bravely.

  • Physical and Mental Postures and the Mystery Bomb of Life

    Physical and Mental Postures and the Mystery Bomb of Life

    Physical and Mental Postures are the essence of our Zen practice. By committing to and bringing our attention to postures of stillness, non-reactivity, non-thinking and non-interference in both our body and our mind, a transformation happens.