Daily Practice

Please join a few minutes before the start of the period so you can be settled prior to the bell. You may join for one or both sitting periods. There is no morning zazen on retreat days. View Calendar.

Morning Zazen: Online

Zoom opens shortly before 6:20am

  • 6:20 Zazen (sitting meditation)

  • 6:50 Break / Kinhin (walking meditation)

  • 7:00 Zazen

  • 7:30 Service (chanting & bows)

  • 7:40 End

Monday - Friday

Zoom opens shortly before 8:00am

  • 8:00 Zazen (sitting meditation)

  • 8:30 Service (chanting & bows)

  • 8:35 End

Saturday mornings we will remain on Zoom after zazen to chat and socialize.

Saturday & Sunday

Dokusan with Gyodo Sensei is offered online during morning zazen Tuesdays and Thursdays 6:30-7:30am.

Daisan with Dharma Holder Geoff Shōun O’Keeffe is offered Wednesdays 6:30-7:30am.

Dokusan & Daisan

Dokusan is face-to-face teaching or one-on-one interview with the teacher. Daisan is a meeting with an Assistant Teacher. In interview, the teacher is able to give you more personal guidance.

If you would like to attend Dokusan or Daisan, join morning zazen through the Online Zendo link above. The Jisha (attendant) will announce the process for signing up and joining the breakout room virtually.

Those new to meditation or to Eon Zen may also meet with a Practice Leader to discuss their practice and receive instruction on meditation.

One-on-one Mentorship is also available for Eon Zen members. Email staff@eonzen.org if you are interested.